

The International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy (ICRE8) is a nonprofit private Research Centre dedicated to interdisciplinary research on sustainable development and management of the Environment, Energy, Economy, Eco-innovations and their electronic versions (hence E8). The overarching goal of the Centre is to promote the understanding and implementation of Sustainable Development, as the only non-self-destructive path of socio-economic development.

Central to the mission of ICRE8 is the pursuit of excellence in conducting and presenting research, and a commitment to exploring relevant environmental, natural resources and energy issues, for a variety of circumstances and stakeholders and across different temporal and spatial scales. In particular, ICRE8 focuses on developing structured and methodologically sound approaches to recognizing, demonstrating and capturing the Total Economic Value of public goods and services, and integrating them in long-run cost benefit analysis, in order to inform sound and sustainable management tools and policy making, while recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of the challeng

The Centre’s research expertise includes financial analysis, socio-economic and econometric analysis, environmental valuation, political and institutional analysis, integrated environmental-economic modeling, cost-benefits analysis, multi-criteria analysis, life cycle analysis, risk analysis, geographical information systems, multi-stakeholder mediations techniques, game theory, information technologies and decision making tools development.

Introduction to ICRE8

ICRE8 Flyer

EAERE 2017

Cluster Institutions

International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy
UN SDSN Greece: United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network Greek Chapter
Climate-Kic Greeece
PESD: Political Economy of Sustainable Development Lab, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
ATHENA Research and Innovation Center, GREECE
Fleximeets conference & meetup management

ICRE8 hosts SDSN Greece, the Greek chapter of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN Greece), together with the Political Economy of Sustainable Development Lab (PESD) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). ICRE8, SDSN Greece, PESD and Athena Research and Innovation Center form a cluster of leading research institutes, with a strong commitment to research related to the environment, climate change, energy, sustainability, and innovation, with an exceptional record in attracting research funding, achieving successful completion of influential projects with explicit policy interventions, and producing numerous academic and popular publications.

ICRE8 is the hosting institution of the SDSN Greece

News View all

Press Release for the Symposium on Climate Change

Press Release for the Symposium on Climate Change
The first “Symposium on Climate Change: Threats, Challenges, Solutions for Greece” at A...

UN SDSN Greece, World Human Forum kai CONVERGENCES GREECE FORUM ενώνουν τις δυνάμεις τους!

UN SDSN Greece, World Human Forum kai CONVERGENCES GREECE FORUM ενώνουν τις δυνάμεις τους!
Με έμφαση στον Παγκόσμιο Στόχο για τη Βιώσιμη Ανά...


Η 2η ενδιάμεση συνάντηση (Interim meeting) παρακολούθησης του �...


Αποτελέσματα της υπ’ αρ. πρωτ: 20190023/22-01-2019 (ΑΔΑ: 9ΩΗ246Μ9...

COASTAL Workshop in Icre8 Athens

COASTAL Workshop in Icre8 Athens
SINTEF Ocean, HCMR and NEO along with the Icre8 team met in Athens (Icre8 premises) for a 2-day work...

A special issue of Sustainability Journal (ISSN 2071-1050) entitled "Sustainable Water Resource Management" is now open for submission.

A special issue of Sustainability Journal (ISSN 2071-1050) entitled "Sustainable Water Resource Management" is now open for submission.
A special issue of Sustainability Journal (ISSN 2071-1050) entitled "Sustainable Water Reso...

Symposium on Climate Change: Threats, Challenges, Solutions for Greece

Symposium on Climate Change: Threats, Challenges, Solutions for Greece
A Symposium addressing one of the most challenging issues of our time: Climate Change.Free entrance ...

Farewell to Niki Goulandris President of The Goulandris Natural History Museum

Farewell to Niki Goulandris President of The Goulandris Natural History Museum
It is with great sadness that we inform you that Niki Goulandris, President and co-founder of The Go...

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS CD-LINKS Summer School on Integrated Assessment Models: A Tool for Science-Based Policy Making

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS CD-LINKS Summer School on Integrated Assessment Models: A Tool for Science-Based Policy Making
Deadline to apply: 1 March, 2019 In cooperation with CD-LINKS, CMCC, IIASA, and the ...

Πρόσκληση σε Συνέντευξη Τύπου

Πρόσκληση σε Συνέντευξη Τύπου
Το Convergences Greece Forum - “Συγκλίσεις"    σας προ�...

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS EAERE-FEEM European Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS EAERE-FEEM European Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri gave the keynote speech at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resuorce Economists, 7-8 February 2019, Udine (Italy)

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri gave the keynote speech at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resuorce Economists, 7-8 February 2019, Udine (Italy)



SMIRES Training Course

SMIRES Training Course

Get the tools to find solutions to climate change and become a change maker!

Get the tools to find solutions to climate change and become a change maker!
R u ready to gain a combination of peer-learning and real-world experience?

The SMIRES Training Course starts! 4th-6th of February, 2019 !

The SMIRES Training Course starts! 4th-6th of February, 2019 !
Course Coordinator: Prof. Phoebe Koundouri  Economics of Sustainable Water Management of Interm...

EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator: where great ideas grow into great businesses

EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator: where great ideas grow into great businesses
The EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator is the only EU accelerator programme focused on climate impact by cl...


Aφορά την πρόσληψη 2 ατόμων με σύμβαση εργασίας ιδιωτικ...



Presentation of the book "The Economics of Climate Change"

Presentation of the book "The Economics of Climate Change"

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri and Dr Stella Tsani gave a keynote speech @ GLOBAQUA Final Conference

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri and Dr Stella Tsani gave a keynote speech @ GLOBAQUA Final Conference

Τhe launch of our 2019 Internship Program application process has been a resounding success.

Τhe launch of our 2019 Internship Program application process has been a resounding success.
The launch of our 2019 Internship Program application process has been a resounding success. We'...

Summary of the Resource Nexus Policy & Cluster Workshop on 27th November in Brussels

Summary of the Resource Nexus Policy & Cluster Workshop on 27th November in Brussels
On the 27th of November, the Resource Nexus Policy & Cluster Workshop kicked off with 60 partici...

Meet the EIT Community | An event powered by EIT Digital & Found.ation

Meet the EIT Community | An event powered by EIT Digital & Found.ation

28 οργανώσεις και φορείς δημιουργούν το <<�Δίκτυο Συνεργασίας Για Το Θαλάσσιο Περιβάλλον>> και μας καλούν να γίνουμε μέρος της λύσης.

28 οργανώσεις και φορείς δημιουργούν το <<Δίκτυο Συνεργασίας Για Το Θαλάσσιο Περιβάλλον>> και μας καλούν να γίνουμε μέρος της λύσης.

Making American Foreign Policy Unexceptional

Making American Foreign Policy Unexceptional

The 3rd Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue will take place in Athens on December 4-5 2018

The 3rd Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue will take place in Athens on December 4-5 2018
3rd Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue Date/Time Date(s) - 04/12/2018 - 05/12/2018 9:30 am - 5:...

The press conference about the Blue Environment will take place on Tuesday 20th of November 2018 at A.C Laskaridis Charitable Foundation

 The press conference about the Blue Environment will take place on Tuesday 20th of November 2018 at A.C Laskaridis Charitable Foundation
The press conference about the Blue Environment will take place on Tuesday 20th of November 201...

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri gave a lecture in the GSPP Course on Water Policy and Management at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan on 8 September 2018

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri gave a lecture in the GSPP Course on Water Policy and Management at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan on 8 September 2018
On 5-6 October 2018, the Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Public Policy (NU GSPP) and the As...

ENTROPY Workshop "The next day for Energy Efficiency" was held in Athens, Greece on Wednesday, November 7th, 2018

ENTROPY Workshop "The next day for Energy Efficiency" was held in Athens, Greece on Wednesday, November 7th, 2018

SMIRES training course on Economics of Sustainable Water Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams in accordance to the Water Framework Directive, the Millennium Ecosystems Assessment and Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030

SMIRES training course on Economics of Sustainable Water Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams in accordance to the Water Framework Directive, the Millennium Ecosystems Assessment and Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030

''Heineken Growth Makers Nights'' took place at '' Orange Grove '', (Athens) on 30th of October 2018

Heineken Growth Makers Nights took place at Orange Grove , (Athens) on 30th of October 2018
Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, LSE, ATHENA, ICRE8, Co-chair of the UN SDSN Greece) took part in &...

Το Ερευνητικό Κέντρο “Αθηνά” συμμετέχει στην προσπάθεια αντιμετώπισης των επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής, τονίζει ο Γ. Ιωαννίδης χαιρετίζοντας το Climathon 2018

Το Ερευνητικό Κέντρο “Αθηνά” συμμετέχει στην προσπάθεια αντιμετώπισης των επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής, τονίζει ο Γ. Ιωαννίδης χαιρετίζοντας το Climathon 2018

The UN SDSN Black Sea Presentation took place in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on 25th of October 2018

The UN SDSN Black Sea Presentation took place in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on 25th of October 2018
On 25 October, SDSN launched its newest regional network, the SDSN Black Sea. Hosted by the Aristotl...

Welcome to SIMRA's 5th newsletter!

Welcome to SIMRAs 5th newsletter!
SIMRA (Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas) is a four-year project (2016-2020) funded...

Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, LSE, ATHENA, ICRE8) is invited by the Research Center for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology of the Academy of Athens to participate as a Speaker at the Delphi Economic Forum IV, 2019 entitled: “Inclusive Growth”

Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, LSE, ATHENA, ICRE8) is invited by the Research Center for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology of the Academy of Athens to participate as a Speaker at the Delphi Economic Forum IV, 2019 entitled: “Inclusive Growth”
Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, LSE, ATHENA,  ICRE8) is invited by the Research Center for At...

''Heineken Growth Makers Nights'' at '' Orange Grove '' on 30th of October 2018

Heineken Growth Makers Nights at Orange Grove on 30th of October 2018
Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, LSE, ATHENA, ICRE8) is invited to participate as a speaker at '...

ICRE8 Signs MoU with the Federal Rural Electrification Agency of Nigeria

ICRE8 Signs MoU with the Federal Rural Electrification Agency of Nigeria
The International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy and the Federal Rural Elect...

The UN SDSN Black Sea Presentation will take place in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on 25th of October 2018 !

The UN SDSN Black Sea Presentation will take place in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on 25th of October 2018 !
Welcome speeches:  ''Monitoring SDGs in the Black Sea and in the Mediterranean Reg...

The GLOBAQUA Final Conference – entitled: '' Water river management under water scarcity and multiple stressors '' will take place in Barcelona (Spain) on 18-19 December 2018.

 The GLOBAQUA Final Conference – entitled: Water river management under water scarcity and multiple stressors will take place in Barcelona (Spain) on 18-19 December 2018.
This is to announce the GLOBAQUA  Final Conference – entitled Water river manag...

The 2nd Sustainability Summit for South East Europe and the Mediterranean as well as the EIT Climate - KIC Greece Hub launch event were presented on skai TV at ECO News

The 2nd Sustainability Summit for South East Europe and the Mediterranean as well as the EIT Climate - KIC Greece Hub launch event were presented on skai TV at ECO News
See the video here

2nd Sustainability Summit for South East Europe and the Mediterranean: Pursuing Sustainability

2nd Sustainability Summit for South East Europe and the Mediterranean: Pursuing Sustainability
More than 400 participants, key thinkers, business leaders, policymakers, scientists, researchers, a...

Presentation of the consortium of EIT Climate KIC

Presentation of the consortium of EIT Climate KIC
Watch the video here:

Our co chair Prof. Phoebe Koundouri presents the main focus areas of UNSDSN Greece at the 2nd Sustainability Summit for South East Europe and the Mediterranean

Our co chair Prof. Phoebe Koundouri presents the main focus areas of UNSDSN Greece at the 2nd Sustainability Summit for South East Europe and the Mediterranean
See the video here:

Climate KIC Greek Hub launch! Speaches by Director of C-KIC Greece, Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Famelos, Minister of Foreing Affairs, Prof. Katrougalos.

Climate KIC Greek Hub launch! Speaches by Director of C-KIC Greece, Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Famelos, Minister of Foreing Affairs, Prof. Katrougalos.

Interesting session on Green/Blue Shipping and Sustainable Marine Resources Management at the 2nd Sustainability Summit for South East Europe and the Mediterranean

Interesting session on Green/Blue Shipping and Sustainable Marine Resources Management at the 2nd Sustainability Summit for South East Europe and the Mediterranean

The Second Sustainability Summit / last session on New Technologies and Education facilitating the SDG's

The Second Sustainability Summit / last session on New Technologies and Education facilitating the SDGs
"Effective monitoring and quality big data" is what we need in order to achieve Agenda2030...

July 2018 - 1st RECONNECT newsletter !

July 2018 - 1st RECONNECT newsletter !
RECONNECT is an ICRE8 project on Regional cooperation for the transnational ecosystem sustainab...

Stella Tsani, Head of the Department of Energy, Economic Policy and Regional Cooperation at ICRE8 participated in the EMBRIC Satellite meeting organized in Crete, Greece on the 17th of September 2018 !

Stella Tsani, Head of the Department of Energy, Economic Policy and Regional Cooperation at ICRE8 participated in the EMBRIC Satellite meeting organized in Crete, Greece on the 17th of September 2018 !
Stella Tsani, Head of the Department of Energy, Economic Policy and Regional Cooperation at ICRE8 pa...

On the 1st of October 2018, the official inauguration ceremony of EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece will take place at Hilton Hotel, Athens !

On the 1st of October 2018, the official inauguration ceremony of EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece will take place at Hilton Hotel, Athens !
EIT Climate-KIC is EU's largest public-private partnership focused on climate innovation to miti...

The 2nd Sustainability Summit for southeast Europe and the Mediterranean will take place in Athens at the Hilton Athens Hotel on October 1st and 2nd 2018 !

The 2nd Sustainability Summit for southeast Europe and the Mediterranean will take place in Athens at the Hilton Athens Hotel on October 1st and 2nd 2018 !

The Annual Conference on the Economic Assessment of European Climate Policies, is going to take place in Florence, Italy, on 26-27 November 2018.

The Annual Conference on the Economic Assessment of European Climate Policies, is going to take place in Florence, Italy, on 26-27 November 2018.
The conference will cover the main climate-related existing policies, at EU, national and subna...

Τhe 8th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, 14-18 June 2019, Hohai University, Nanjing, China

Τhe 8th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, 14-18 June 2019, Hohai University, Nanjing, China
Special Issue Water Resources Economics based on Contributions to the 8th International Conference o...

The Second Sustainability Summit for southeast Europe and the Mediterranean is going to take place in Athens at the Hilton Athens Hotel on October 1st and 2nd 2018 !

 The Second Sustainability Summit for southeast Europe and the Mediterranean is going to take place in Athens at the Hilton Athens Hotel on October 1st and 2nd 2018 !
For more details on the summit you may visit the website below: Website

Eurosoil 2020 conference In Geneva !

Eurosoil 2020 conference In Geneva !
The Swiss Soil Science Society is happy to meet the European soil community in summer 2020 at t...

Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, LSE, ATHENA, ICRE8) will give a lecture on the subject of ''Interdisciplinary Approach towards a "fully integrated" sustainable development'' (11/9/2018) @ Siena Summer School on Sustainable Development

Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, LSE, ATHENA, ICRE8) will give a lecture on the subject of Interdisciplinary Approach towards a "fully integrated" sustainable development (11/9/2018) @ Siena Summer School on Sustainable Development
Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, LSE, ATHENA, ICRE8) will give a lecture on '' Interdiscipl...

'' The Economics of Climate Change '' - Just published with the bank of greece !

 The Economics of Climate Change - Just published with the bank of greece !

ICRE8 is very happy to welcome the two newest members of the team, Alice Guittard and Sherine El-Wattar !

ICRE8 is very happy to welcome the two newest members of the team, Alice Guittard and Sherine El-Wattar !
ICRE8 is very happy to welcome the two newest members of the team, Alice Guittard and Sherine El-Wat...

COASTAL project: The first local MAL on the Messinia case study took place on Thursday 26th of July at Navarino Environmental Observatory.

COASTAL project: The first local MAL on the Messinia case study took place on Thursday 26th of July at Navarino Environmental Observatory.
COASTAL project: The first local MAL on the Messinia case study took place at Navarino Environmental...

The third and final call for innovation is open in BRIGAID !

The third and final call for innovation is open in BRIGAID !
Here you can find some links about the third call to innovation: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.co...

Phoebe Koundouri's Speech on Sustainable Development / Project Agora Junior Fellows - Andreas Papandreou Foundation - The speech took place at the amazing Laskarides Foundation Premises in Piraeus!

Phoebe Koundouris Speech on Sustainable Development / Project Agora Junior Fellows - Andreas Papandreou Foundation - The speech took place at the amazing Laskarides Foundation Premises in Piraeus!
Phoebe Koundouri's Speech on Sustainable Development / Project Agora Junior Fellows - Andreas Pa...

Water Innovation Europe 2018 has been successfully concluded !

Water Innovation Europe 2018 has been successfully concluded !
The Water Innovation Europe 2018 edition dedicated to “The road towards a water-smart society:...

In October, two GLOBAQUA events (Course and Conference about Water Management) are taking place in Agadir, Morocco.

In October, two GLOBAQUA events (Course and Conference about Water Management) are taking place in Agadir, Morocco.
1.    Training course on: Knowledge Brokerage for River Basin Management (3 Oct) &nb...

ICRE8 is happy to be part of the RECONNECT project - Press release

ICRE8 is happy to be part of the RECONNECT project - Press release
ICRE8 is happy to be part of the RECONNECT project (Regional cooperation for the transnational ecosy...

WCERE 2018 - 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists took place from the 25th to the 29th of June 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

WCERE 2018 - 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists took place from the 25th to the 29th of June 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The WCERE 2018 - 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resources Economists was a huge s...

Brigaid's third and final open call for innovations

Brigaids third and final open call for innovations
Does your innovation mitigate the impacts of climate-driven disasters, droughts, floods, or extreme ...

SDG INDEX 2018 has been released!

SDG INDEX 2018 has been released!
Ποιές είναι οι επιδόσεις των 193 κρατών σε σχέση με την υ...

Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation - Industrial Design Competition for Greek Designers SECOND NATURE Marine Plastic Waste Blue & Circular Economy New Technologies - Deadline 15th September 2018

Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation - Industrial Design Competition for Greek Designers SECOND NATURE Marine Plastic Waste Blue & Circular Economy New Technologies - Deadline 15th September 2018

Dr. Nikos Englezos participated in the joint conference of the 7th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VII) and the 11th International Society for Environmental Biotechnology conference (ISEB 2018), held in Chania, Greece, 25-28 June, 2018.

Dr. Nikos Englezos participated in the joint conference of the 7th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VII) and the 11th International Society for Environmental Biotechnology conference (ISEB 2018), held in Chania, Greece, 25-28 June, 2018.
Dr. Nikos Englezos, Academic Manager of the Department of Economics and Econometrics: Modelling and ...

On Thursday 28 June Prof. Andreas Papandreou has been invited to represent SDSN at the event:1000 Ημέρες SDGs organised by Οργάνωση Γη (www.organizationearth.org) @ Γη Κ44 (Κωνσταντινουπόλεως 44 - Κεραμεικός)

On Thursday 28 June Prof. Andreas Papandreou has been invited to represent SDSN at the event:1000 Ημέρες SDGs organised by Οργάνωση Γη (www.organizationearth.org) @ Γη Κ44 (Κωνσταντινουπόλεως 44 - Κεραμεικός)

The BSUN Conference @ Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, June 18-19 2018.

The BSUN Conference @ Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, June 18-19 2018.
The theme of the conference was “UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals In The Black Sea Region...

'' EIT Climate-KIC Hub Onboarding & Partner Days EIT Regional Innovation Scheme '' held in Brussels on the 14 and 15 of June 2018.

 EIT Climate-KIC Hub Onboarding & Partner Days EIT Regional Innovation Scheme held in Brussels on the 14 and 15 of June 2018.
The website of climate kic europe:http://www.climate-kic.org/   The Partners of EIT Clim...

H2020 Social Innovations in Marginalized Rural Areas (SIMRA) project meeting in Padova (June 12 – 14, 2018).

H2020 Social Innovations in Marginalized Rural Areas (SIMRA) project meeting in Padova (June 12 – 14, 2018).
Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA) is a project funded by the European Union'...

Two-Year Post-Doc Position at the University of Bologna (Rimini Campus)

Two-Year Post-Doc Position at the University of Bologna (Rimini Campus)
The Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism at the University of Bologna (Italy), Rimini Campus, is l...

'' Water Innovation Europe 2018 '' took place on June 13th and 14th in Brussels, Belgium at the BluePoint center. / Prof. Koundouri gave a keynote speech on '' Smart Sustainable Cities '' at Water Innovation Europe 2018.

 Water Innovation Europe 2018 took place on June 13th and 14th in Brussels, Belgium at the BluePoint center. / Prof. Koundouri gave a keynote speech on Smart Sustainable Cities at Water Innovation Europe 2018.
13-14 June, Brussels. Water Innovation Europe 2018 organised by WssTP (European Water Supply and Sa...

Dr Stella Tsani, participated in the 1st Interim meeting for the Reconnect project, in Larnaca, Cyprus, 12-14 June.

Dr Stella Tsani, participated in the 1st Interim meeting for the Reconnect project, in Larnaca, Cyprus, 12-14 June.
Dr Stella Tsani, Head of the Department of Energy, Economic Policy and Regional Cooperation at ICRE8...

The SDG Academy is hiring a dynamic Manager in our New York City office!

The SDG Academy is hiring a dynamic Manager in our New York City office!
The SDG Academy is hiring in our New York City office! We are seeking a committed and dynamic Manage...

'' Towards a Greener Attica Preserving the Planet and Protecting its People '', an international ecological symposium which was held in Athens and the Saronic islands, Greece, from 5 to 8 June, 2018.

 Towards a Greener Attica Preserving the Planet and Protecting its People , an international ecological symposium which was held in Athens and the Saronic islands, Greece, from 5 to 8 June, 2018.
This international ecological symposium organized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate will convene theolo...

COASTAL (Collaborative land sea integration platform) project held in Brussels from June 5th – June 8th 2018.

COASTAL (Collaborative land sea integration platform) project held in Brussels from June 5th – June 8th 2018.
COASTAL is a unique collaboration of 29 partners from 8 EU Member States, representing coastal and r...

ICRE8 participated in Laskaridis foundation of Ocean Cleaning, 8th of June 2018.

ICRE8 participated in Laskaridis foundation of Ocean Cleaning, 8th of June 2018.
ICRE8 is one of the 20 bodies involved in the Marine Environment Cooperation Network created by...

The third Science Technology and Innovation (STI) forum, also known as the Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for SDGs was held at the United Nations headquarters in New York on 5,6 June 2018.

The third Science Technology and Innovation (STI) forum, also known as the Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for SDGs was held at the United Nations headquarters in New York on 5,6 June 2018.
STI Forum: Third Annual Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Develop...

Dr. Stella Tsani will be guest editing a special issue in 'Resources'

Dr. Stella Tsani will be guest editing a special issue in Resources
Dr Stella Tsani, Head of the Department of Energy Economic Policy and Regional Cooperation at ICRE8,...

Stella Tsani and Phoebe Koundouri participated in the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries, Blue Growth for the Adriatic – Ionian Macro region and the Eastern Mediterranean

Stella Tsani and Phoebe Koundouri participated in the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries, Blue Growth for the Adriatic – Ionian Macro region and the Eastern Mediterranean
Stella Tsani and Phoebe Koundouri participated in the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and...

Dr. Stella Tsani received an expert invitation to the EU Russia Diplomacy Project actions

Dr. Stella Tsani received an expert invitation to the EU Russia Diplomacy Project actions
Stella Tsani, Head of the Department of Energy, Economic Policy and Regional Cooperation at ICRE8, h...

ISBS 2018 (2018 International Sandy Beaches Symposium) was held in Heraklion, Greece from 25 to 29 May 2018.

ISBS 2018 (2018 International Sandy Beaches Symposium) was held in Heraklion, Greece from 25 to 29 May 2018.
The ISBS 2018 was held from 25 to 29 May 2018. It was hosted by the Institute for Marine B...

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri presentation at the PELAGOS Greek Hub for Blue Energy Workshop, 25 May 2018, Athens

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri presentation at the PELAGOS Greek Hub for Blue Energy Workshop, 25 May 2018, Athens
Professor Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, ICRE8, ATHENA RC, LSE) made a presentation on &ldqu...

Prof Koundouri lecture on «Science Driven Implementation of Sustainable Development» at the Open University of Cyprus

Prof Koundouri lecture on «Science Driven Implementation of Sustainable Development» at the Open University of Cyprus

Address by Laurent Fabius, Former President of COP 21 at the International Conference “Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Challenges and Solutions”, Nicosia, 4 May 2018

Address by Laurent Fabius, Former President of COP 21 at the International Conference “Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Challenges and Solutions”, Nicosia, 4 May 2018
You can now download the Address by Mr Laurent Fabius, Former President of COP 21 at the Internation...

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri and Dr. Ebun Akinsete will be guest editing a special issue of the MDPI Journal, 'Water'

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri and Dr. Ebun Akinsete will be guest editing a special issue of the MDPI Journal, Water
ICRE8's Professor Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, ICRE8, ATHENA RC, LSE)  and Dr. Ebun Ak...

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri paper "Estimating Risk Attitudes in Conventional and Artefactual Lab Experiments: The Importance of the Underlying Assumptions" has attracted a lot of attention

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri paper "Estimating Risk Attitudes in Conventional and Artefactual Lab Experiments: The Importance of the Underlying Assumptions" has attracted a lot of attention
Prof. Phoebe Koundouri (ICRE8, AUEB, ATHENA RC, LSE) open access paper: Andreas C. Drichoutis and P...

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri chaired a session on “Mitigation & Adaptation: New Initiatives” at the International Conference “Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Challenges and Solutions”

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri chaired a session on “Mitigation & Adaptation: New Initiatives” at the International Conference “Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Challenges and Solutions”
Prof. Phoebe Koundouri (ICRE8, AUEB, ATHENA RC, LSE) chaired the session “Mitigation...

Save the Date: “Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Challenges & Solutions" International Conference, 18th & 19th May 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus

Save the Date: “Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Challenges & Solutions" International Conference, 18th & 19th May 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus
The Cyprus Institute is pleased to announce the organization of the International Conference: &ldquo...

ICRE8 is a proud member of the Boroume Greek "Saving and Offering Food Network"

ICRE8 is a proud member of the Boroume Greek "Saving and Offering Food Network"
ICRE8 is a proud member of the greek network "Saving and Offering Food Network" of Boroume...

Prof Phoebe Koundouri keynote speech at the “2018 International Workshop on The Economics Of Climate Change And Sustainability”, Bologna, 27 & 28 April 2018

Prof Phoebe Koundouri keynote speech at the “2018 International Workshop on The Economics Of Climate Change And Sustainability”, Bologna, 27 & 28 April 2018
Professor Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, ICRE8, ATHENA RC, LSE) gave a keynote speech at the 2018 Internati...

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri will speak at the Ecumenical Patriarchate symposium “Toward a Greener Attica: Preserving the Planet and Protecting its People”, June 5-8 2018, The Saronic Islands, Greece

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri will speak at the Ecumenical Patriarchate symposium “Toward a Greener Attica: Preserving the Planet and Protecting its People”, June 5-8 2018, The Saronic Islands, Greece
Professor Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, ICRE8, ATHENA RC, LSE) will participate at the Inte...

International recognition of Prof. Anastasios Xepapadeas' contribution to Science

International recognition of Prof. Anastasios Xepapadeas contribution to Science
We are thrilled to communicate this amazing news for our colleague Prof. Anastasios Xepapadeas, who ...

Job opening @ICRE8 COASTAL horizon2020 project

Job opening @ICRE8 COASTAL horizon2020 project
ICRE8 invites applications from Researchers at all levels to work, part-time and full-time, on the H...

BRIGAID H2020 Project Progress and Innovations

BRIGAID H2020 Project Progress and Innovations
Our BRIGAID project is making wonders! We bring you the latest Brigaid Progress and Innovations. In...

Prof Phoebe Koundouri and Prof Anastasios Xepapadeas will be speaking at 2018 International Workshop on The Economics Of Climate Change And Sustainability, Bologna, 27 & 28 April 2018.

Prof Phoebe Koundouri and Prof Anastasios Xepapadeas will be speaking at 2018 International Workshop on The Economics Of Climate Change And Sustainability, Bologna, 27 & 28 April 2018.
ICRE8 Associated University Professors Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, ICRE8, ATHENA RC, LSE) and Anastasios...

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri was the keynote speaker at ICSD 2018, April 11-15, 2018, Athens, Greece

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri was the keynote speaker at ICSD 2018, April 11-15, 2018, Athens, Greece
Professor Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, ICRE8, ATHENA RC, LSE) gave the keynote speech entitled “Int...

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ICRE8 Projects

SIMRA (H2020)

SIMRA (H2020)

SIMRA: Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (H2020) SIMRA’s overarching objective is to fill the significant knowledge gap in understanding and enhancing ... More
SMIRES (H2020)

SMIRES (H2020)

DAFNE (H2020)

DAFNE (H2020)

Decision Analytic Framework to explore the water-energy-food Nexus in complex transboundary water resources of fast developing countries.  The overall objective of DAFNE is t... More


BRIGAID BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience (BRIGAID) H2020 Project aims to provide structural, ongoing support for innovations in climate adaptation by developi... More

Collaborating Institutions

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