Eurosoil 2020 conference In Geneva !

The Swiss Soil Science Society is happy to meet the European soil community in summer 2020 at the Eurosoil conference in Geneva. Eurosoil 2020 shall not only be a scientific meeting but also tries to motivate all the representatives of soil-related stakeholders as well as the interested public. In a first step, the organizing committee has defined 6 conference themes based on specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as defined by the United Nations. Now, in a second step, the members of the organizing committee of the Eurosoil 2020 conference are in the process of setting up steering committees for these themes. The task of the steering committees is mainly to help in preparing and launching the call for symposia and event proposals that will go out in autumn 2018, in evaluating the proposed symposia/events in spring/summer 2019, and in creating an exciting program based on the proposals. In line with the overall objective, the organizing committee aims at a diversified mixture of classic oral sessions with a broad range of interactive symposia and events (e.g. PICO, world cafes, panel discussions, Rapid fire, and others). 

More info here:



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