(Horizon 2020) SIMRA : Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas
SIMRA: Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (H2020)
SIMRA’s overarching objective is to fill the significant knowledge gap in understanding and enhancing social innovation in marginalised rural areas by advancing the state-of-the-art in social innovation and connected governance mechanisms in agriculture and forestry sectors and in rural development in general.
Project Coordinator: James Hutton Institute
Funded by: European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2016.
Call: H2020-ISIB-2015-2, Topic: ISIB-03-2015
Budget: € 5,982,000
Project Website: www.simra-h2020.eu
Project Researchers
Project News
SIMRA - Newsletter #4 - March 2018
ICRE8 was at the SIMRA Case Study Team Workshop Bolzano, Italy
EU funded research on way to decoding success of Social Innovation in marginalised rural areas
SIMRA - Newsletter #2 - April 2017
SIMRA - Newsletter #3 - October 2017
Call for Social Innovations in Marginalised Rural Communities
Two New ICRE8 Projects!
SIMRA Project Kick-Off Meeting
SIMRA website and social media have been launched
SIMRA’s first newsletter is ready!