SIMRA website and social media have been launched

ICRE8 is a partner in the project "Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas" (SIMRA), founded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovative programme. SIMRA seeks to advance understanding of social innovation and innovative governance in agriculture, forestry and rural development, and how to boost them, particularly in marginalised rural areas across Europe, with a focus on the Mediterranean region (including non-EU) where there is limited evidence of outcomes and supporting conditions.

ICRE8’s general role in the project is the implementation of sustainable management in agriculture, forestry and rural development taking into account stakeholders’ views and economic theory. The sustainable management of natural resources aims at a development than meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Under this approach, we need to secure economic, social and environmental sustainability. Natural resources are public goods and their value is not reflected in the markets. For this reason we need to investigate non-market valuation methods in order to evaluate the different SIs aspects (economic and environmental) as well as monetize SIs impacts for the society. In addition, it is important for the social acceptance of SI actions to take into account the different stakeholders views at the valuation process. 

SIMRA website and social media have already been launched; you can visit them by following the links below:
Twitter: @simra_eu
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