Stella Tsani and Phoebe Koundouri participated in the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries, Blue Growth for the Adriatic – Ionian Macro region and the Eastern Mediterranean

Stella Tsani and Phoebe Koundouri participated in the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries, Blue Growth for the Adriatic – Ionian Macro region and the Eastern Mediterranean, held in Corfu, Greece,  30 May-3 June 2018. The symposium was organized by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science of the Ionian University. The symposium aims to enhance the collaboration between the academic and research communities of the Balkans, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Stella Tsani presented the joint work with Phoebe Koundouri on” Socio-economic methodology, approaches and results in accordance with the sustainable development goals and blue economy”. Their work summarizes evidence and progress to date on the scientific knowledge on  issues of integrated socio-economic models of production, and the development of innovative tools and applications that facilitate the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and Blue Economy. The analysis considered the interdependencies between the different elements but also the synergies that can benefit integrated solutions. Discussion was wrapped up with empirical evidence and research output from past and ongoing ICRE8 projects of relevance.

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