The GLOBAQUA Final Conference – entitled: '' Water river management under water scarcity and multiple stressors '' will take place in Barcelona (Spain) on 18-19 December 2018.
This is to announce the GLOBAQUA Final Conference – entitled Water river management under water scarcity and multiple stressors - which will take place in Barcelona (Spain) on 18-19 December 2018. This interdisciplinary conference is a platform for exchange and discussion of innovative scientific findings and methods in aquatic ecosystems research.
The conference will be structured in 5 sessions:
S1: STRESSORS, scenarios and hydrology;
S2: STRESSORS, geomorphology and chemistry;
S3: RECEPTORS, biology and ecosystems;
S4: IMPLICATIONS, ecosystem services and socio-economics;
S5: MANAGEMENT, impact and European policy.
Contributions are most welcome from the interested scientific community.
The meeting will include key-note lectures, invited and regular oral presentations and posters (some of them with flash presentations). GLOBAQUA partners will present the main project results after 5 years of work.
Submission of abstracts is open to all scientists who share interest in the topics of the conference. Abstracts (in English) for oral and poster presentations (max 2 pages) must be submitted by 2nd November 2018. Instructions and abstract templates can be found here
Posters should be strictly prepared in A0 format. The acceptance of the contributions (oral/poster) will be notified by 13th November 2018. More information can be found here