Stella Tsani, Head of the Department of Energy, Economic Policy and Regional Cooperation at ICRE8 participated in the EMBRIC Satellite meeting organized in Crete, Greece on the 17th of September 2018 !

Stella Tsani, Head of the Department of Energy, Economic Policy and Regional Cooperation at ICRE8 participated in the EMBRIC Satellite meeting organized in Crete, Greece on the 17th of September 2018. The objective of the meeting was to discuss joint approaches to addressing the challenges of building a multi-level, multi-stakeholder innovation ecosystem for the blue bio-economy. Maritime regions have discovered intelligent ways to live with and from the sea. They are key actors in the development of EU since they are the best to bring the sea to our societies.  Today it becomes obvious, however, that the seas will support a sustainable future only by means of knowledge-based business. Therefore, the research expertise and infrastructures hosted in the maritime Regions are keys to the development of the maritime economy and blue growth. Stella discussed issues of science-based approaches to investment assessment for sustainable development. Synergies with Climate KIC Greece and existing ecosystems of innovation for blue bio-economy have been also discussed during the session.

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