Eleftherios Levantis


[email protected]

CV Levantis

Eleftherios Levantis is ICRE8’s CEO. He is an International Environmental Lawyer specialising in management of protection areas He holds an MSc. In Environmental Management and he is a PhD candidate (Athens Law School).

2013 - 2016 , legal Advisor to the Coordination Office for the Implementation of Environmental Liability, Ministry for Environment , Energy and Climate Change (YPEKA),

2010 – 2013 Legal Advisor to the Secretary for Environment and Energy Inspectorate ,Ministry for Environment , Energy and Climate Change ( YPEKA) ,

2009 –2010 Legal Counsel for the Greek Minister for Environment, Energy and Climate Change ( YPEKA).

2007 - 2009,Head of Unit Environment and Sustainable Development European Public Law Organization ( www.eplo.eu).

2002-2004 Legal advisor to the General Secretary of the Athens Region.

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