The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2

The 15th book of Prof. Phoebe Koundouri with the title: "The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2" has been published and it is now available at


The Ocean of Tomorrow

The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2, by Phoebe Koundouri


"My gratitude goes to all the world-class scientists, from all across Europe and beyond, who contributed to the thirteen interdisciplinary research and demonstration projects, as well as the three global initiatives that form the basis of this book : two FP7 European Commission DG Research and Innovation projects, MERMAID and TROPOS; two H2020 European Commission DG Research and Innovation projects, BLUEBRIDGE and COASTAL; three European Commission Interreg projects, AMARe, RECONNECT and Thal-Chor; six European Institute of Innovation and Technology Climate KIC projects, BL.EU. Climate, Deep Demonstration Project in European Ports, MEDFreeSup, Circular Learning Hub, Circular Economy (CE) in Smart Specialization Strategy (S3), and Western Balkan Circular and Climate Innovation-Beacons, as well as the three Global Initiatives: the 4-Seas UN SDSN Euro-Asian Initiative, the UN SDSN Global Roundtable for Sustainable Shipping and Ports and the United Nations Initiative for Climate Change Effects on Cultural and Natural Heritage.


These 16 projects and initiatives, some completed but the vast majority ongoing, form the “Sustainable Blue Growth” research domain of the cluster of the institutions I direct, which includes the ReSEES Research Laboratory of the Athens University of Economics and Business, EIT Climate KIC Hub Greece at the ATHENA Research and Innovation Center, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network-Greece. As a response to the climate crisis and its effect on marine ecosystems and coastal populations, the Sustainable Blue Growth domain is one of the many research domains of our cluster, and aims at establishing transformation pathways towards Sustainable Blue Growth, that will be supported by technically and socially innovative solutions. We focus on research, education, development and support of open access databases, innovation incubation and acceleration, and policy recommendations, while our aim is to engage all relevant stakeholders in co-designing a systems innovation pathway for the transition to socially, culturally, economically, environmentally, and geo-politically sustainable development in Europe and beyond, embracing seas and oceans."


The current book, is a continuation of our research published in my first book on Oceans of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications - Volume I :

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