ICRE8 Working Papers

For more working papers by ICRE8 people pls also see: DIEES (Athens University of Economics and Business) Working Papers Series:http://wpa.deos.aueb.gr/

  • Koundouri, P., Pittis, N., Samartzis, P., Englezos, N., Papandreou, A., Ambiguity Aversion, Modern Bayesianism and Small Worlds, Forhtcoming 2017. [link]

  • Koundouri, P., Pittis, N., Samartzis, P., Englezos, N., Papandreou, A., Alternative Types of Ambiguity and their Effects on Climate Change Regulation, Forhtcoming 2017. [link]

  • Koundouri P., Kourogenis N., Pittis N., Samartzis P., On the Use of Quadratic Trends in Natural Resource Prices Modeling [Link]
  • Koundouri, P., "Socio-economical and policy implications of multi-stressed
    rivers", in Elosegi, A., Ludwig, R., Sabater, S., “Multiple stress in river ecosystems. Status, impacts and prospects for the future." Elsevier, Forhtcoming 2017.

  • Verena Huber García, Swen Meyer, Kasper Kok, Peter Verweij, Phoebe Koundouri, Yannis Souliotis, Philippe Ker Rault, David Gampe, Ralf Ludwig. Modelling integrated scenarios to assess the pressure of land and water use on a Mediterranean River, the Ebro case study. Special Issue: Towards a Multiple and Emerging Stressors Footprint on European Rivers. Science of the Total Environment. Forthcoming.
    Journal Announced Impact Factor: 4.42

  • Tsani, S. and Koundouri, P. A methodological note for the development of integrated aquaculture production models. Submitted: Food Policy.

  • Foster Stephen, Koundouri Phoebe, Groundwater in Natural Resource Capital Accounting.

  • Andrea Taramelli, Emiliana Valentini, Federico Filipponi, Giorgio Bellotti, Alessandro Romano, Phoebe Koundouri  and Amerissa Giannouli. Copernicus data platform to Maritime and Security Managers for the MSP Implementation: an example application on the optimal positioning of multipurpose offshore platforms.

  • Koundouri Phoebe, Kourogenis Nikolaos, Pittis Nikitas, Samartzis Panagiotis, Factor Models as 'Explanatory Unifiers' versus 'Explanatory Ideals' of Empirical Regularities of Stock Returns/ [link] 

  • Koundouri P., Davila G., Giannouli A., Kourogenis N., Xepapadeas A., Xepapadeas A.P. Open Access in Scientific Information: Sustainability Model and Business Plan for the Infrastructure and Organisation of OpenAIRE. [link]

  • Davila O.G., Koundouri P., Souliotis I., Kotroni E., Chen W., Haggett, C., Lu, S., Rudolph, D. Supporting BLUE Growth: Eliciting Stakeholders' preferences for Multiple-Use Offshore Platforms. [link]

  • Phoebe Koundouri, Nikolaos Kourogenis, Nikitas Pittis, Panagiotis Samartzis. Testing for CAPM in Regression Models with Stochastic Coefficients.

  • Koundouri, P., Kourogenis, N., and Pittis, N. The Rational Expectations Hypothesis Under Objective Interpretations of Probability.

  • Remoundou, K., Drichoutis, A., Koundouri, P. Warm glow in charitable auctions: Are the WEIRDos driving the results? MPRA Paper No. 25553. [link].

  • Anshory, A., and P. Koundouri. Attenuation Bias due to Measurement Error in Hedonic Analyses. Environment and Development Economics (2007 Editorial Decision: Major Revision; a revised version of the paper was not submitted by the authors).

  • P. Koundouri, O.G. Dávila, M. Stithou, V. Babalos, A. Xepapadeas, I. Anastasiou, A.Antypas, N. Kourogenis, A. Mousoulides,  M. Mousoulidou, N. Ahrensberg, B. Zanuttigh, F.Zagonari, M.A. Lange, C. Jimenez, E. Charalambous, L. Rosen, A. Lindhe, J. Norrman, T.Norberg, T. Söderqvist A. Pedersen, D. Troianos, A. Frentzos, Y. Krontira, I.J. Losada, P. Diaz-Simal, R. Guanche, M. de Bel, W. He, S. Kabdasli, N. Elginöz, E. Oguz, T. Bagci, B. Bas, M. Cantu , M. Masotti, R. Suffredini and M. Stuiver. Methodology for Integrated Socio-Economic Assessment of Offshore Platforms: Towards Facilitation of the Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. [Abstract]
  • Barbara Zanuttigh, Elisa Angelelli, Andreas Kortenhaus, Kaan Koca, Yukiko Krontira, Matteo Cantù, Phoebe Koundouri. Boosting blue growth: wave energy converters in multi-purpose off-shore installations. Invited presentation by the World Renewable Energy Congress, http://www.wrenuk.co.uk/wrecxi.html To be published in Special Issue Renewable Energy Journal.
  • Koundouri P., Kourogenis N., Pittis N., Statistical modlling of stock returns: Explanatory or descriptive? A historical survey with some methodological reflections. Journal of Economic Surveys. [Link]
  • Koundouri P., Davila O.G., Pantelidis T. Measuring the Economic Value of Sustainable River Basin Management: The Full-Preference Rank Method [link]
  • Koundouri P., Skianis V. Socio-Economics and Water Management: Revisiting the Contribution of Economics in the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Greece and Cyprus [link]
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