ICRE8 participates at the 4th BRIGAID Project meeting and Conference (Venice, 9-10 November 2017)

ICRE8 researchers Prof. N. Theodossiou (AUTH, ICRE8), Evita Mailli and Petros Xepapadeas attended the 4th BRIGAID Project meeting, held in Venice on the 9-10 November 2017, representing ICRE8. The meeting was held at the Thetis SpA in Venice. The meeting began on the 9th at 08:30AM with a consortium meeting that lasted until 13:00PM. During the meeting, progress reports and presentations were given by the various Work Package leaders. At 13:00PM there was a 1 hour break for lunch. Following that, there was the first BRIGAID conference in which innovators who had been invited to attend, spoke and promoted their innovations and a dialogue ensued between the consortium and the innovators on what more the consortium could offer them and any further innovators who would be interested in working with BRIGAID. Afterwards a dinner was held at 19:00 at a beautiful restaurant on the Grand Canal. On the 10th, the conference resumed at 8:30AM with several more meetings and at 10:00AM the group was taken to see the MOSE flood prevention system. They returned at 12:30PM at which time the closing for the consortium and the conference were held, with an overview of the next steps for BRIGAID as well as for the next meeting in Lisbon.

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