H2020 COASTAL project 4th Newsletter

COASTAL is an EU funded 4-year multi-actor Horizon 2020 research and innovation action. The goal of the COASTAL project is to formulate and evaluate business solutions and policy recommendations aimed at improving the coastalrural synergy to foster rural and coastal development while preserving the environment.

Follow the latest progress of our COASTAL project - @H2020_coastal - in order to increase land-sea synergies and coastal-rural collaborations for a sustainable development of our coastal and rural areas here: https://h2020-coastal.eu/assets/content/newsletter/202007/COASTAL_Newsletter_04.pdf

Learn more about the project:

- http://www.unsdsn.gr/coastal-h2020

- https://h2020-coastal.eu/about?utm_campaign=COASTALNL&utm_source=nl201907&utm_medium=e-mail 

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