Call for applications for three international science awards

The Agropolis Fondation - Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food was created in 2009 by Agropolis Fondation as a tribute to Professor Louis Malassis, founder of Agropolis. Every two years, three awards are presented in his name: Renowned Scientist; Young Scientific Talent; Outstanding Career for Agricultural Development.

In 2021, as has been the case for three editions, the AF - Louis Malassis Prize will be coupled with the "Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security". Olam International, a world leader in the food industry and food processing, rewards an innovative scientific research project for its potential impact on the availability, accessibility, affordability and adequacy of food, in line with UN SDG#2: Ending Hunger.

For the first time, 2021 will also be the occasion for Agropolis Fondation to join forces with the Swiss Foundation Biovision and to launch a 3rd International Scientific Prize: the Shift Prize for Transformative Agroecological Research for Development. This prize aims to recognize collaborative research for development projects and initiatives that have made an exemplary contribution to agro-ecological transformation of food systems through their transdisciplinary research for development actions.

The call for applications is open until 11th January 2021 midnight (Paris time). The prizes will be awarded in April 2021 (award ceremony at an international meeting to be specified).

The applications are to be submitted online at this address: 

For further information: 

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