An Integrated Approach for Sustainable Environmental and Socio-Economic Development Using Offshore Infrastructure

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, ICRE8, LSE), Amerissa Giannouli and Ioannis Souliotis have contributed “Chapter 3: An Integrated Approach for Sustainable Environmental and Socio-Economic Development Using Offshore Infrastructure” (pages 44-64) to the recently published book “Handbook of Research on Green Economic Development Initiatives and Strategies” (2016), edited by M. Mustafa Erdoğdu, Thankom Arun and Imran Habib Ahmad. IGI Global.

Seas and oceans offer a vast renewable energy resource and production possibilities with great potential for innovation and growth. Multi-purpose offshore platforms are ocean energy and aquaculture synergies developed in order to achieve efficient use of marine space. Regarding the construction and operation of such infrastructures, environmental and socio-economic benefits should be taken into account. This chapter uses the Ecosystem Services approach and the total economic framework for evaluating different designs of multi-purpose offshore platforms and a participatory approach to ensure their public acceptability.

Source Title: Handbook of Research on Green Economic Development Initiatives and Strategies
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0440-5.ch003

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